About Me

Hi, I'm Matt!
I have been creating stories since childhood. Serious writing with an eye toward publication began during my college years at the University of California, Santa Barbara. At nineteen, I attended the La Jolla Writers Conference and caught the attention of several agents and Dragonlance Creator Tracy Hickman, who indicated that I was “ready for primetime.” I was taken under Tracy’s wing, and also gained advice from Raymond E. Feist. Even with such encouragement, I felt that the Ronin Saga needed more time to be fully imagined.
A year and a half later, after finishing my degree with honors, I pursued traditional publication and received several partial and full submission requests. Frustrated with the slow pace of traditional publication, I altered his course and pursued self-publication.
The first story in the Ronin Saga was published in 2014. The second in the series came out immediately on its heels. With sales doing well, I wrote full-time while pursuing a Master’s degree. The third novel was released a year and a half later, and the fourth is soon-to-be-released. Other works in the series include several novellas and short stories.
Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you enjoy my work!